Dear Managers
You’ve probably noticed the season is over; I just wanted to say thanks for playing.I must admit I do feel like the villain of the piece, having organised the thing and yet also taken the money, so let me just say it has been an absolute pleasure taking your money. YET AGAIN.If it’s any consolation, the Justice League was ranked in the top 1.1% out of all the other leagues in the game, so you did your part in making it as fiercely competitive as it was. This was no layabout league.
Lastly, let me just say that even though you can't bask in the winner's glow (or spend the winner's dough) you can take heart in knowing you helped contribute to Edie's college fund, and you can see how please she is about it:
I've found this site using a 'google search' and was wondering if you are visiting Languedoc with a match versus Midi CC 5th September? Could you please advise. My email for your reply Many thanks.